If your business/company is located here in the UK, your site needs to meet the new cookie regulations.

You literally have to tell your visitors about which cookies you use and how people are able to delete/ control them.

How we can help you?

We believe that you should have a privacy policy for every single page.
Even better is to provide a data protection notice visible to all visitors coming to your website.

Appropriate working of the privacy policy:


We might store certain info about your use of cookies Which we will be able to access whenever you visit our website in the near future. We do this and then after explain why you use the cookies.

The wording of your policy will depend on what actual cookies you use.

Data Protection Notice

Your data protection notice should make visitors aware of:

  • The identity of you and your company
  • The purpose of why you want to process personal data
  • Then any other information you feel that the visitor should be aware of e.g. why you want to store and gain access to information on the visitors computer